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Adnosco for Chrome (beta)

 Adnosco for Chrome

A beta version of the Adnosco Chrome extension is available for you to test. It includes some of the basic functionalities of the Adnosco project, such as the extraction and restoration of forms, the browsing through collected data, and the scraping of values.

Ready to take back control of your data? Click here to download the Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store, and follow the instructions below to install it.

  • Move the .crx file to a place where it would not be deleted by mistake. You will need to be able to drag and drop it in a later step, so you might want to keep the folder it is in open
  • Open the Google Chrome browser, and go to the extensions settings (accessible by typing the address chrome://extension)
  • Tick the “Developer mode” checkbox
  • Drag and drop the .crx file to the Chrome extensions settings page
  • A popup will ask you if you want to install the Adnosco extension. Click on “Add extension”.

Once you have followed these steps, Adnosco will have been installed and be ready for use! We recommend checking the user's manual out for more instructions on how to use Adnosco for Chrome.

code.txt · Dernière modification: 2017/11/30 17:22 de cdautrem

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