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The development of the web has seen the explosion of web forms as a mean for the user to provide information to web applications in the context of both personal and professional activities. Currently, user personal data are stored and man- aged at companies' side. That makes the user dependent on the corresponding services while granting her a very passive role. We aim to demonstrate that there are many bene ts for both the user and corporate world to provide the former with tools which improve her autonomy in managing her data. Currently, there are hardly any tools to store, reuse and explore submitted user information. Moreover, users have no knowledge about the data and its structure submit- ted through web forms to numerous corporate web sites. In addition, there are only few completed web form instances on the user side which makes dicult statistical analysis attempts. In this project, we propose a new web form qual- i cation model and a user-friendly solution that improves web users productivity by providing semantics-based tools. It also provides the user with an exploitable copy of the information sent over web forms.


Can you

  • list the information that you provided to a particular website during the last month (via your computer)? The company behind the website can !
  • list your google queries? … Google can help you! Connect …
  • view your recent orders on the Internet, your past bills? Yes, if you remember the sites and they offer this service!
  • determine the sites you gave your postal address or credit card number?
  • determine how much you spent on clothes last month on the internet? Your bank can advise you …
  • know what time you get out of work on Thursday and where you take to get home? Those who have access to your smartphone data can help you.
  • know your favorite TV programs? Your provider can tell you …
  • know when did you open your fridge for the last time? What is the average duration of door opening? Your electricity supplier may be able to help you.


  • Adnosco: trace user data for the user. N. Bennani, F. Duchateau, E. Egyed-Zsigmond, P. Lamarre. Dans inforsid : XXXIIème congrès INformatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information de Décision, lYON. pp. 147-162. ISBN 2-906855-29-4. 2014. pdf
  • Adnosco : gérez les données que vous diffusez ! (démonstration). N. Bennani, E. Gaude, E. Egyed-Zsigmond, P. Lamarre. Dans IC : Journées Francophones d'Ingenierie des Connaissances, Clermont-Ferrand. pp. 1-3. 2014. pdf

Project Members

  • Philippe LAMARRE
  • Nadia BENNANI
  • Corentin DAUTREME
  • Aurélien WOLZ
  • Samory KA
  • Emmanuel GAUDE
  • Fabien DUCHATEAU
  • emails : firstname.lastname@liris.cnrs.fr
start.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/01/22 16:29 de eegyedzs

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